Friday, September 28, 2007

"The Custom Toy Show" opens October the 4th at a new boutique here in Montreal called Camion de Pompier. (317 Ontario est #1) There are a lot of pretty amazing artists, so be sure to come by say hello and have fun (And help support independent artists and boutique while you're at it)

My "Nade" blank.

The finished product. I had a pretty good time doing this. It was my first attempt at something like this. I've painted several Russian Nesting Doll sets and numerous bowling pins though. Which I guess is somewhat comparable.

Friday, September 14, 2007

A small group of artists meet each week to eat, drink and draw. This blog is a collection of what the group pump out and the different exercises and drawing games they use to create the magic.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Oh, I forgot to post these pics from Osheaga. It's a bunch of people making off with our stuff. We were not in any condition to take it all down anyway. I hope they all found a good home.....

Friday, September 07, 2007

For those of you who live in Vancouver, be sure to check out "Low Brow on the High Seas 4" a pirate themed art exhibit which opens Saturday September 15 at Pats Pub (403 east Hastings) with music by Zip Guns, The Hits and The Big Bad. Advance tickets are $10. at Zulu Records, Jem Gallery, Red Cat Records, Bonerattle and Pats Pub. Or $12 at the door. It's one night only so, don't be a flake!
If your coming to the Osheaga music festival this weekend be sure to check out the YPF's installation "Weirdos in the Woods" as part of the Osheaga art project. We were there early this morning to set up and it all looks pretty awesome. I'm just going to post the images of my stuff for now. I'll put the rest of the stuff up after the show for those of you who couldn't make it. Sorry.